LinkedIn Data Scraper

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social media that provides relationships between potential hirers and employees. It is a popular platform for professional networking and job search. Scrape LinkedIn data to get valuable data on candidates, work history, skills, education, etc. This data helps find qualified candidates and make informed hiring decisions. LinkedIn data scraping is extremely important if you are looking to avail quality leads. At iWeb Data Scraping, we offer a perfect solution to scrape LinkedIn pages and profile data across the USA, UK, Canada, Dubai, India, Australia, Germany, France, UAE, Spain, Philippines, and Mexico using LinkedIn job data scraper.

Our LinkedIn scraper can extract information from individual profiles, including name, job titles, skills, education, work history, contact details, and more. Data collected from company pages include company name, location, descriptions, employee count, etc. Use this data to perform market research and competitor analysis and generate high-quality leads.

Use iWeb Data Scraping Data Collecor,
or purchase an LinkedIn dataset

  • Scrape LinkedIn to compare your prices and inventory
  • Identify LinkedIn top sellers to stay ahead of the competition
  • Collect LinkedIn data to track consumer sentiment
  • Optimize your pricing, supply chain, and marketing strategy

LinkedIn Scraper Overview

  • Our LinkedIn profile data scraper can extract data from individual profiles, company pages, and job postings, including job titles, descriptions, requirements, company names, employee counts, and contact details.
  • The LinkedIn data extractor software tool can quickly integrate with other tools to generate an automated outreach process.
  • It consists of exclusive site-unlocking technology.
  • It helps generate targeted leads by scraping the contact details of people matching your target criteria.
  • Research your competition using the LinkedIn scraping tool and monitor who their employees are and what skills are they having.
  • It helps extract LinkedIn data without limits and offers a free trial too.

LinkedIn public profile

Sample Input
Sample Output
                "url": "https:\/\/\/in\/jakobpersson",
                "name": "Jakob Persson",
                "position": "Consultant in UX",
                "current_company": {
                    "name": ""
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                "about": "",
                "city": "Stockholm County, Sweden",
                "following": "500+ connections",
                "educations_details": "",
                "posts": [
                        "title": "Unethical Marketers Shouldn\u0027t Surprise Me Anymore – This One Did",
                        "attribution": "By Jakob Persson",
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                        "link": "https:\/\/\/pulse\/unethical-marketers-shouldnt-surprise-me-anymore-one-did-persson?trk=public_profile_article_view",
                        "created_at": "2020-10-14T00:00:00.000Z"
                        "title": "Products Exist in Lifecycles, Not As Single Shot Attempts",
                        "attribution": "By Jakob Persson",
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                        "link": "https:\/\/\/pulse\/products-exist-lifecycles-single-shot-attempts-jakob-persson?trk=public_profile_article_view",
                        "created_at": "2018-10-30T00:00:00.000Z"
                        "title": "Product Focus Helps Break Down Silos and Harmful Hierarchies",
                        "attribution": "By Jakob Persson",
                        "img": "https:\/\/\/dms\/image\/C4D12AQH5bydUWBc0qQ\/article-cover_image-shrink_180_320\/0\/1540277053125?e=1652313600\u0026v=beta\u0026t=P73ZwpqPOPo9U4Np1OTISXv_mS_LCRUor0WZp48-8Io",
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                        "created_at": "2018-10-23T00:00:00.000Z"
                "experience": [],
                "education": [],
                "certifications": [],
                "courses": [],
                "languages": [
                        "title": "Swedish",
                        "subtitle": "-",
                        "meta": ""
                        "title": "English",
                        "subtitle": "-",
                        "meta": ""
                "groups": [],
                "people_also_viewed": [
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/%C3%A5sa-tillberg-widell-b86776106?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
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                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/filippa-honeth-albemark-b703654?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/anton-solinen-7a2b7994?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/swespy?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/magnus-rimbark-887aa11?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/olle-stenborg-abb35b22a?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/eric-kindblom-03a93874?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/tobias-nyberg-81420b157?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
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                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/kristin-westerg%C3%A5rd?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/bibisoring?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/robin-klint-93732a1a8?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/olha-stupak-9b79a416b?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/simon-miller-044527202?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/elise-backman-19951482?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/yun-yang-aa7a1813b?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/niklas-hansson-89a3a5120?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/amanda-crowther-228a67142?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                        "profile_link": "https:\/\/\/in\/luongp?trk=public_profile_browsemap"
                "activities": [
                        "title": "I am deeply saddened by the tragic death of Valeriia (Lera) Maksetska, a member of our Chemonics family. She was killed in a village west of Kyiv…",
                        "attribution": "Liked by Jakob Persson",
                        "img": "https:\/\/\/dms\/image\/C4E22AQGXuh6ASubE3Q\/feedshare-shrink_800\/0\/1646828252265?e=1649894400\u0026v=beta\u0026t=pKT9HezpsF2j8zswp1pbrNXNVpMd0V7r5pauoEt9U1w",
                        "link": "https:\/\/\/feed\/update\/urn:li:activity:6907660569390784512"
                        "title": "Ukrainian woman at war We support you. Every like is for support. Follow: Industrial Platform",
                        "attribution": "Liked by Jakob Persson",
                        "img": "https:\/\/\/dms\/image\/C4D22AQEvnwbAGn9CGg\/feedshare-shrink_800\/0\/1645966879437?e=1649894400\u0026v=beta\u0026t=nmlv3XI3HAO66XJsTwc5unqG79Zk8Oz50XVq1D0Mtjg",
                        "link": "https:\/\/\/feed\/update\/urn:li:activity:6907212977330925568"
                        "title": "I am Russian. My mom spent her childhood living with her grandmother in Kyiv. When working in Ukraine, my grandfather dropped the v from our last…",
                        "attribution": "Liked by Jakob Persson",
                        "img": "https:\/\/\/dms\/image\/C4E22AQG5oF_aP5gY3A\/feedshare-shrink_800\/0\/1646144846957?e=1649894400\u0026v=beta\u0026t=WoSkpkKFMwUlG3ttUA0aLYonlDcFnQfI-ow-4SVb4BI",
                        "link": "https:\/\/\/feed\/update\/urn:li:activity:6905752054241865728"
                "recommendations": [
                    "Anna Swartling “We engaged Jakob in a service design project working with a methodology closely related to Lean UX. Jakob was UX lead and working in team with an employed UX and within a dedicated, co-located project team with both business and IT people. Working with Jakob was inspiring. We perceive him as a kind of renaissance person with deep knowledge within a wide range of areas. He used this knowledge in an inspiring way that opened up our thoughts and discussions. Jakob is very dedicated and truly wants the deliveries to be good in a short and long perspective and for both all intended users and other stakeholders within SEB. Anna Swartling, line manager Marika Ottander, product owner in the project”",
                    "Mats Wendelius “Jag hade förmånen att arbetet med Jakob under mitt uppdrag hos KPA Pension. Vi drev tre projekt och deltog därefter i arbetet med att initiera en ny, agil styrnings- och produktionsmodell för IT-utveckling. Under projekten fyllde Jakob rollen som UX strateg och mentor till utvecklingsteamen. Jakob är excellent! Hans kompetens inom såväl UX som utvecklingsstyrning är unik. Både djup som bred. Som person är han prestigelös, lösningsorienterad och engagerad. Vilket också rinner över på de han jobbar med. Jag hoppas att få chansen att arbetet med Jakob igen och ger honom de bästa rekommendationerna.”",
                    "Therese Gedda “I had the great pleasure of working with Jakob when Excellentia was launching. Providing expertise in strategy and web development, Jakob was highly appreciated for his personality and talents. Jakob brings the rare combination of forward thinking ideas with a hands-on approach of making things happen. He is committed to bringing value to every interaction with a “can do attitude”. Combined with a generous and engaging approach, he exhibits a high level of enthusiasm for his work. By understanding both how to create business value and make it into reality with technology, Jakob is an incredible person to have on your team. His vast understanding of the practical aspects of business and software development was instrumental in bringing the vision at Excellentia to life. An agile thinker, Jakob is conscientious, dedicated and committed with a strong passion for learning. If you have a need for a versatile, proven, technical leader, it is with confidence that I recommend Jakob as a welcomed asset to any team.”",
                    "Mathias Kleverud “I worked with Jakob during 2013 and 2014 in a few web based projects that we went into together as consultants. Jakob is a true entrepreneur who really knows how to inspire and lead in a project. He is extremely aware of the latest trends within web, productivity and the startup as a lifestyle. Not only is he aware of them, but he knows how to turn that knowledge into growth and action. He is also has a big heart, a creative mind and lots of passion for life and people. I hope that I get the possibility of working together with Jakob again in the future.”",
                    "Linda Stüve “Jag har haft förmånen att få arbeta med Jakob både i rekryteringssammanhang samt vid arrangerandet av DrupalCamp Stockholm, där vi ingick i samma projektgrupp. Jag skulle beskriva Jakob som en resultatinriktad, effektiv, kunnig och lösningsorienterad person. Han har ett inspirerande sätt och delar gärna med sig av sina yrkeskunskaper. Jag kan varmt rekommendera Jakob som kollega och skulle gärna arbeta med honom igen.”",
                    "Hans Christian Schrøder “I had the pleasure to work with Jakob for more than half a year on planning and setting up NodeOne Norway. He has broad knowledge on many fields, and also has very good people skills. It was a very interesting time, and I will for sure be very interested in what he will do in the future as an independent!”"
                "recommendations_count": 6,
                "volunteer_experience": [
                        "title": "Director\/coordinator international relations",
                        "subtitle": "KogVet, student association",
                        "cause": "Education",
                        "duration": "2004 2005 1 year",
                        "start_date": "2004",
                        "end_date": "2005",
                        "duration_short": "1 year",
                        "info": "Liaise and coordinate with other student organizations at cognitive science programs, organize and plan exchanges and trips and represent the organization when visiting the other organizations."
                "projects": [
                        "title": "Stockholm Digital Agency Lunch Network Meetup",
                        "subtitle": "Jul 2018 - Present",
                        "meta": "A network for present and former agency founders, owners, managers. We meet monthly for lunch.",
                        "duration": "Jul 2018 - Present",
                        "start_date": "Jul 2018",
                        "end_date": "Present",
                        "duration_short": "",
                        "url": "http:\/\/\/agencylunch"
                        "title": "Stockholm Digital Freelancer Lunch Network Meetup",
                        "subtitle": "Jul 2018 - Present",
                        "meta": "A network for freelancers who meet for lunch every month to discuss freelancing and business",
                        "duration": "Jul 2018 - Present",
                        "start_date": "Jul 2018",
                        "end_date": "Present",
                        "duration_short": "",
                        "url": "http:\/\/\/sthlmd"
                        "title": "Stockholm Value-Pricing Meetup",
                        "subtitle": "Apr 2016",
                        "meta": "A meetup group for people interested in value-pricing (value-based pricing) and how to apply it in business. We meet once or twice per month to attend a talk or exchange ideas.",
                        "duration": "Apr 2016",
                        "start_date": "Apr 2016",
                        "duration_short": "",
                        "url": "http:\/\/\/Stockholm-Value-Pricing-Meetup\/"
                "patents": [],
                "publications": [
                        "url": "https:\/\/\/file\/d\/1u8EMw4IQrsr2xXUIEZyNP4OvQX8Qdh9v\/view",
                        "name": "Impact Methods for Making a Change",
                        "publisher": "IASDR2019 Conference Proceedings",
                        "description": "The aim of this paper is to describe the theory and practice of methods for making a change. The methods in focus are called impact methods and they are used for defining effect goals that focus the outcomes and impacts of a transformation design project. They are used by user experience (UX) and service designers in Sweden and are potentially useful also in other design fields. In an interview study with seven practitioners and three originators of the methods, we ask what conceptions they… The aim of this paper is to describe the theory and practice of methods for making a change. The methods in focus are called impact methods and they are used for defining effect goals that focus the outcomes and impacts of a transformation design project. They are used by user experience (UX) and service designers in Sweden and are potentially useful also in other design fields. In an interview study with seven practitioners and three originators of the methods, we ask what conceptions they have of their methods. They thought of them as methods for co-design, for designing the right thing, and for making strategy actionable. Four conceptions of impact methods were about: (A) having clear goals; (B) designing for user needs; (C) linking user benefits and features to business benefits, and (D) an approach to problem-solving. It is concluded that the impact methods have the potential to be used to connect design and business, but they may also be drivers in transformation design. Show more Show less",
                        "published_on": {
                            "day": "4",
                            "year": "2019",
                            "month": "9"
                "awards": [
                        "title": "Quora Top Writer 2018",
                        "issuer": "Quora",
                        "issuedOn": "2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                        "description": null
                        "title": "Supergasell (\u0022Super Gazelle\u0022)",
                        "issuer": "Dagens industri",
                        "issuedOn": "2011-11-01T00:00:00.000Z",
                        "description": null
                "timestamp": "2022-03-11T16:00:59.464Z"

LinkedIn - profile

Sample Input
Sample Output
                "url": "https:\/\/\/in\/williamhgates\/",
                "name": "Bill Gates",
                "position": "Co-chair, Bill \u0026 Melinda Gates Foundation",
                "current_company": {
                    "name": "Bill \u0026 Melinda Gates Foundation",
                    "link": "https:\/\/\/company\/bill-\u0026-melinda-gates-foundation?trk=public_profile_topcard-current-company"
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                "about": "Co-chair of the Bill \u0026 Melinda Gates Foundation. Founder of Breakthrough Energy. Co-founder of Microsoft. Voracious reader. Avid traveler. Active blogger.",
                "city": "Seattle, Washington, United States",
                "following": "8 connections",
                "educations_details": "Harvard University",
                "posts": [
                        "title": "When I was a kid, I was happy spending all my time inside reading. My mom always pushed me to do more, and I’m so glad she did. No matter what we…",
                        "attribution": "Shared by Bill Gates",
                        "img": "https:\/\/\/dms\/image\/C5622AQGQFCDyqNYpyg\/feedshare-shrink_800\/0\/1652024545462?e=1654732800\u0026v=beta\u0026t=0B1R7nvTxEHyPwhCMdkN6NWMNgQkLuAV6th-agMBMC0",
                        "link": "null"
                        "title": "Katalin Karikó saw the potential of mRNA to save lives when few others did–and she was willing to fight tooth and nail to pursue it:…",
                        "attribution": "Shared by Bill Gates",
                        "img": "https:\/\/\/dms\/image\/C5605AQHgBYGtNpZwZg\/videocover-low\/0\/1651942223656?e=1652220000\u0026v=beta\u0026t=Fy8vppEruc5bVJltmghUKnm9ixELbR33w3WCkGn5bK4",
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                        "title": "If we’re going to make COVID-19 the last pandemic, we need the GERM team: https:\/\/\/gd56SQDN",
                        "attribution": "Shared by Bill Gates",
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                        "title": "Co-chair",
                        "subtitle": "Bill \u0026 Melinda Gates Foundation",
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                        "location": "",
                        "description": "",
                        "duration": "2000 - Present 22 years",
                        "start_date": "2000",
                        "end_date": "Present",
                        "duration_short": "22 years"
                        "title": "Founder",
                        "subtitle": "Breakthrough Energy",
                        "subtitleURL": "https:\/\/\/company\/breakthrough-energy?trk=public_profile_experience-item_profile-section-card_subtitle-click",
                        "location": "",
                        "description": "",
                        "duration": "2015 - Present 7 years",
                        "start_date": "2015",
                        "end_date": "Present",
                        "duration_short": "7 years"
                        "title": "Co-founder",
                        "subtitle": "Microsoft",
                        "subtitleURL": "https:\/\/\/company\/microsoft?trk=public_profile_experience-item_profile-section-card_subtitle-click",
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                        "description": "",
                        "duration": "1975 - Present 47 years",
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                        "end_date": "Present",
                        "duration_short": "47 years"
                "education": [
                        "title": "Harvard University",
                        "degree": "",
                        "field": "",
                        "meta": "1973 - 1975",
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                        "end_year": "1975"
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                "activities": [
                        "title": "When I was a kid, I was happy spending all my time inside reading. My mom always pushed me to do more, and I’m so glad she did. No matter what we…",
                        "attribution": "Shared by Bill Gates",
                        "img": "https:\/\/\/dms\/image\/C5622AQGQFCDyqNYpyg\/feedshare-shrink_800\/0\/1652024545462?e=1654732800\u0026v=beta\u0026t=0B1R7nvTxEHyPwhCMdkN6NWMNgQkLuAV6th-agMBMC0",
                        "link": "null"
                        "title": "Katalin Karikó saw the potential of mRNA to save lives when few others did–and she was willing to fight tooth and nail to pursue it:…",
                        "attribution": "Shared by Bill Gates",
                        "img": "https:\/\/\/dms\/image\/C5605AQHgBYGtNpZwZg\/videocover-low\/0\/1651942223656?e=1652220000\u0026v=beta\u0026t=Fy8vppEruc5bVJltmghUKnm9ixELbR33w3WCkGn5bK4",
                        "link": "null"
                        "title": "If we’re going to make COVID-19 the last pandemic, we need the GERM team: https:\/\/\/gd56SQDN",
                        "attribution": "Shared by Bill Gates",
                        "img": "https:\/\/\/dms\/image\/C5605AQEqDo2Z7N6Slg\/videocover-low\/0\/1651683133053?e=1652220000\u0026v=beta\u0026t=B35Toaaw-9hsrjBDPuLbz1dyPx-UXajem0rZXQ7Igw4",
                        "link": "null"
                "recommendations": [],
                "recommendations_count": null,
                "volunteer_experience": [],
                "projects": [],
                "timestamp": "2022-05-17T10:14:54.670Z"

LinkedIn job listings

Sample Input
Sample Output
                "url": "https:\/\/\/jobs\/view\/2882505371\/?alternateChannel=smljob\u0026alternateCode=seturl\u0026eBP=CwEAAAF_c5Qe0NNzA-_KqT2ZdABsIXi3tU1OQDa79YL3SwYtpkiaAiUNQtKrMvHw_eyPRCQswi0pfXe-Wi4dqW1nvWs15MoCLkCIpHEfLfT_LvvPYVB3kvvpP3Fn5t0Kua3kiT-yk8zsR83SG7SeyhPjQ4mNudMGAe5Qz9J0S_cUqt8XcylwGiDUX1QiaGD73JWysm35moAZ9z4-zqbBS7CngtKP4FYvJCv68aYckGNG7fnHbm98cH6yVEB6AQd0_I8aYH7OZURT3C0QzadGcOVdOow1bILH4G-My9ghM0hSkG33ql7p7pj8q1yt5m6zb1_X3fbSnJuNAHn4lAAzqLgXEY13e9q8jMBIQftxsGQhBwphuny-x3PuCzpNCw\u0026recommendedFlavor=HIDDEN_GEM\u0026refId=%2FCAi%2FfLSaUnRDO3aUMpDrw%3D%3D\u0026trackingId=5W%2BV2jh4qwXGPVOZCkb2RA%3D%3D\u0026trk=d_flagship3_job_details\u0026lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_job_details%3BPBDBpOskSwum7QYd4PHzMg%3D%3D\u0026licu=urn%3Ali%3Acontrol%3Ad_flagship3_job_details-jobdetails_similarjobs",
                "__id": 0,
                "title": "Sales Support Specialist",
                "location": "Waalwijk, North Brabant, Netherlands",
                "company": {
                    "name": ""
                "posted_time": "2 months ago",
                "num_appliance": "Be among the first 25 applicants",
                "description": "\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cstrong\u003ESALES SUPPORT SPECIALIST\u003C\/strong\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EBen je klantgericht én wil je graag werken binnen een jong, ambitieus familiebedrijf waar volop ruimte is om je verder te ontwikkelen?\u003C\/em\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EBij BusinBedrijf maken we het inrichten van een bedrijfswagen makkelijk(er) voor onze klanten. In jouw job lever je hier een belangrijke bijdrage aan! Jij bent het eerste aanspreekpunt voor onze Nederlandse en Vlaamse klanten. De meeste bestellingen gaan volledig via onze webshop. Klanten die hulp nodig hebben komen bij jou terecht via mail, telefoon, chat, Whatsapp en onze social media kanalen. \u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EJe geeft advies, helpt klanten verder in het bestelproces en maakt offertes. Ook als klanten ons na hun aankoop nodig hebben sta jij voor ze klaar. Je draagt bij aan klanttevredenheid, omzet en winst van BusinBedrijf. Daarnaast vertaal je feedback van klanten door naar input voor verbeteringen van het productaanbod en de dienstverlening.\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EWat heeft BusinBedrijf jou te bieden?\u003C\/em\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cul\u003E\u003Cli\u003EAllereerst een uitdagende job in een informele, platte organisatie waar volop ruimte is voor professionele ontwikkeling en gezelligheid.\u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003EEen fulltime contract. \u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003EEen salaris dat past bij de bijdrage die je levert.\u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003E25 vakantiedagen per jaar obv een fulltime werkweek.\u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003EEen degelijke pensioenregeling.\u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003EReiskostenvergoeding.\u003C\/li\u003E\u003C\/ul\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EWie ben jij?\u003C\/em\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cul\u003E\u003Cli\u003EJe hebt minimaal een MBO-4 opleiding afgerond\u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003EJe beheerst de Nederlandse taal uitstekend in woord en geschrift (C1 niveau)\u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003EJe bent in staat om mondeling en schriftelijk met collega’s te communiceren in het Engels (minimaal B2 niveau)\u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003EJe bent thuis in de wereld van bedrijfswageninrichting of in staat dit snel te leren\u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003EJe bent sociaal, servicegericht, commercieel en je communiceert makkelijk\u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003EJe hebt talent voor administratieve werkzaamheden\u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003EJe werkt graag intensief samen in een team\u003C\/li\u003E\u003Cli\u003EJe behoudt het overzicht in een groeiende organisatie die continu in beweging is\u003C\/li\u003E\u003C\/ul\u003E\u003Cp\u003E \u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003EOver BusinBedrijf\u003C\/em\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003EBusinBedrijf maakt het inrichten van een bedrijfswagen makkelijk. In onze webshop vind je alles wat je hiervoor nodig hebt. We zijn actief in Nederland, België, Luxemburg, Frankrijk en Duitsland. We groeien hard en daarom zoeken we regelmatig nieuwe collega’s om ons gemotiveerde en gezellige team te versterken. BusinBedrijf is een jong en informeel bedrijf waar het nemen van eigen verantwoordelijkheid belangrijk is. \u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cbr\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003Cem\u003E\u003Cspan class=\u0022ql-cursor\u0022\u003E \u003C\/span\u003EInteresse? \u003C\/em\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003ELijkt het je leuk om je bij ons team te voegen? Solliciteer dan snel door je CV en motivatie te mailen naar\u003C\/p\u003E\u003Cp\u003E\u003C\/p\u003E",
                "criteria_list": [],
                "search_term": "Sales Support Specialist",
                "search_location": "Philadelphia, PA",
                "salary": "",
                "employment_type": "Full-time",
                "similar_jobs": [],
                "people_also_viewed": [],
                "additional_compensation": ""

Linkedin jobs - search by keyword and filters

Sample Input
Internship, Associate, director, mid-senior level
Sample Output
                "url": "https:\/\/\/jobs\/view\/responsable-analyse-des-donn%C3%A9es-at-beev-2920795891?refId=M5sbPUO1j6%2BHUqb5eqGi%2Bw%3D%3D\u0026trackingId=DvSO7OGFsfX6gSKA%2BieULg%3D%3D\u0026position=1\u0026pageNum=0\u0026trk=public_jobs_jserp-result_search-card",
                "name": "Responsable analyse des données",
                "image": "https:\/\/\/dms\/image\/C4D0BAQE3jAbjck6SFQ\/company-logo_100_100\/0\/1615284024223?e=1654732800\u0026v=beta\u0026t=JKdvWjgoakqnBxrLxBmbowwcPaahzKjgJum7asrFB6c",
                "company_url": "https:\/\/\/company\/beev?trk=public_jobs_jserp-result_job-search-card-subtitle",
                "company_name": "Beev",
                "location": "Paris, Île-de-France, France",
                "benefits": "Actively Hiring",
                "listdate": [
                    "3 weeks ago"

LinkedIn post

Sample Input
Sample Output
                "logo": "https:\/\/\/dms\/image\/C4D0BAQHZYnhYQGcauQ\/company-logo_100_100\/0\/1604934449969?e=1650499200\u0026v=beta\u0026t=ZiC9RJFQQ8xmAD3-CmrlOWnzpTRSB2cSGKJ69gJ4kAg",
                "social_page_url": "https:\/\/\/showcase\/edhec-augmented-law-institute?trk=public_post_share-update_actor-text",
                "brand_name": "EDHEC Augmented Law Institute",
                "general_description": "#Mondaythoughts Que penser de l\u0027accord mondial du G7, intervenu ce samedi, qui fixe à 15% le taux minimal d\u0027imposition des multinationales ( GAFA y compris) ? Emmanuelle DEGLAIRE, professeur associé de droit et fiscalité à l\u0027EDHEC Business School et chercheur à l\u0027EDHEC Augmented Law Institute nous donne son avis à chaud. #taxation #fiscalité #gafa ",
                "video": "https:\/\/\/playlist\/C5605AQG5J3mpqWWxfg\/mp4-640p-30fp-crf28\/0\/1623082716845?e=1642582800\u0026v=beta\u0026t=wLbGbsZQzfNb0WFl1a79MmKgcD_mptMAfyrYq-r0ozI",
                "image": "https:\/\/\/dms\/image\/C5605AQG5J3mpqWWxfg\/videocover-high\/0\/1623082688165?e=1642582800\u0026v=beta\u0026t=Vh2uZ7A1fNeJuZDfvUA2_ZVsbBl8R_lnqUNIbO0QJlM",
                "title": "EDHEC Augmented Law Institute",
                "subtitle": "1,637 followers",
                "date_time": "7mo",
                "reactions": "9",
                "comments": 0

LinkedIn search results

Sample Input
Bill gates
Sample Output
                "url": "https:\/\/\/company\/luminati-networks",
                "name": "IWeb Data Scraping",
                "sphere": "Internet Publishing",
                "followers": 6735,
                "about": "We create technologies that preserve a transparent internet, where anyone can easily access and collect public web data. We believe that making public web data easily accessible is essential to keeping markets openly competitive, benefiting all of us. We partner with and serve those who share our core values of transparency, innovation, and trust. Join us in our mission to shine a IWeb Data Scraping light on the web!\n\n",
                "locations": [
                    "Greater Tel Aviv, Israel 42507, IL"
                "employees": [],
                "updates": [
                        "title": "IWeb Data Scraping",
                        "time": "7h",
                        "text": "So how does Thrift® enable second-hand resellers to earn 36% more \u0026 price items 21x quicker? Using its innovative technology, fueled by public web data of course! Check out what founder Mark O\u0027Hara has to say about his unique industry, and where exactly web data fits into the picture: https:\/\/\/31n2bYg #loveourcustomers #webdata #testimonial",
                        "likes_count": "",
                        "comments_count": ""
                        "title": "IWeb Data Scraping",
                        "time": "1d",
                        "text": "Part two of our sit-down session with Aaron Cowper, CEO of ShopGrok, this time talking about the importance of an effective pricing strategy for sales growth! Check out other great e-commerce insights from Aaron here: https:\/\/\/31cFKoA #ecommerce #insights #salesgrowth #pricing #loveourcustomers",
                        "likes_count": "",
                        "comments_count": ""
                        "title": "IWeb Data Scraping",
                        "time": "4d",
                        "text": "Wishing all of our customers and partners a very Happy New Year! Thank you for your unwavering support during 2021 - we are so grateful, and we can\u0027t wait to continue serving you with the most reliable, industry-leading web data solutions on the market! #happynewyear #loveourcustomers #industryleading #webdatasolutions",
                        "likes_count": "",
                        "comments_count": ""
                        "title": "IWeb Data Scraping",
                        "time": "5d",
                        "text": "\u0022Venture Capitalists are performing better screening and discovery for smarter investments in early-stage startups, headhunting agencies are identifying candidates with unique skill sets, while business developers are better defining market opportunities.\u0022 How are they all doing this? With public Linkedin data sets of course! Read more about it: https:\/\/\/32p30ju #datasets #linkedin #smartinvesting #marketopportunities",
                        "likes_count": "",
                        "comments_count": ""
                        "title": "IWeb Data Scraping",
                        "time": "1w",
                        "text": "We sat down with one of our customers, Aaron Cowper, Founder \u0026 CEO of ShopGrok, an award-winning pricing intelligence platform to get his insights on the latest e-commerce trends rocking the online world. In the first of the series, hear about Aaron\u0027s views on the #ultraconvenience trend - how Covid-19 has affected it along with customer expectations, and what he thinks will set the successful retailers apart from the less successful ones... #ecommerce #trends #pricingintelligence #loveourcustomers",
                        "likes_count": "",
                        "comments_count": ""
                        "title": "IWeb Data Scraping",
                        "time": "1w",
                        "text": "With more companies coming online now than ever before, incorporating strategies using insights gathered from public web data sources can be vital when determining where a company\u0027s time is best served, and on which channels its resources are best allocated, with so many to choose from. Hear from one of our customers, founder of Exact Buyer Edan Krolewicz, on how his organization uses web data as the ultimate measure to advise companies towards investing their efforts in the correct places. https:\/\/\/3yOgwcs #webdata #testimonial #loveourcustomers",
                        "likes_count": "",
                        "comments_count": ""
                        "title": "IWeb Data Scraping",
                        "time": "1w",
                        "text": "Wishing our customers and partners a Christmas that\u0027s merry and IWeb Data Scraping! #merrychristmas #holidayseason",
                        "likes_count": "",
                        "comments_count": ""
                        "title": "IWeb Data Scraping",
                        "time": "2w",
                        "text": "So what\u0027s the connection between unstructured data and a more inclusive society? Check out this feature by Keren Pakes, General Manager of The IWeb Data Scraping Initiative by IWeb Data Scraping Data to learn more! https:\/\/\/3J9tA0I #doinggoodwithdata #inclusivesociety #dataforgood",
                        "likes_count": "",
                        "comments_count": ""
                        "title": "IWeb Data Scraping",
                        "time": "2w",
                        "text": "Excited to announce our new Vice President of Compliance \u0026 Ethics, Rony Shalit! Shalit will lead the company\u0027s extensive global compliance and ethics team, continuing to serve the company’s customers and partners with best-in-class compliance-driven practices to ensure they continue receiving reliable, quality-focused web data. #compliance #ethics #reliability #webdata https:\/\/\/3pdn7Kw",
                        "likes_count": "",
                        "comments_count": ""
                "show_more": [],
                "affiliated": [],
                "browse_jobs": [],
                "Website": "https:\/\/\/3go77R5",
                "Industries": "Internet Publishing",
                "Company size": "201-500 employees",
                "Headquarters": "Greater Tel Aviv, Israel",
                "Type": "Privately Held",
                "Specialties": "price intelligence, web data collection, brand monitoring, brand protection, ad verification, data collection, data, market research, web research, social account management, ecommerce tools, data centers, and alternative data"

How To Use Data Collected with the LinkedIn Data Extractor?

  • Scraped profile data from LinkedIn using LinkedIn data scraping services can help find potential candidates, identify qualified professionals, and streamline the recruitment process.
  • The scraped data can provide insights into candidates' work experience, skills, and education and help recruiters make informed decisions.
  • LinkedIn data extension is valuable for generating leads and identifying potential clients.
  • Using the scraped data, companies can collect information on job titles, company descriptions, contact details, etc.
  • Use scraped data to gain insights into industry trends, perform market research, and analyze competitors' strategies.
  • Scrape LinkedIn profile data and expand the professional network. Build relationships with industry peers using LinkedIn scraped data.
  • The scraped data helps study industry trends, skills gaps, and job market dynamics.
  • Use the data to gain invaluable insights into customers' thoughts about your products or services. It will help you to design successful marketing strategies for your products or services.
  • Company data from LinkedIn will help you decide which of them are worth your investments.
  • Get an influx of new audiences interested in your products or services.

How it works

  • STEP 1

    Choose the website you would like to scrape public data from, in real-time.

  • STEP 2

    Select the frequency: real-time or scheduled, and delivery format: JSON, CSV, HTML, or Microsoft Excel.

  • STEP 3

    Decide where to send the data: webhook, email, Amazon S3, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, SFTP, or API.

Want to learn more?

Talk to an expert to discuss your data collection needs and see our platform in action.

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